I will not discuss any of the plot point of the film, as I do not wish to spoil any "surprises", but I will say that it's a sad state of affairs that a movie of this caliber is considered even nearly good. The characters are one dimensional, the plot trodding on all-too-familiar themes, and the acting is abysmal. Al Pacino, who used to be a fine actor, sleep walks his way through this movie and delivers the exact same performance as he did in "Two For The Money", "Insomnia", "People I Know" and "Simone" (I will admit I liked him in "Merchant of Venice"). This movie is not superb...it's not even good. Al, this is a wake up call to please return to the realm of acting instead of collecting the first paycheck that comes your way.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
Where to start? First where except in some fool's imagination do academics behave the way these do. I mean here is a professor living as if he is a member of the Saudi Royals and speaking to students as if he is a bar tender? Bad, improbable and insulting.I really could not believe this entire stunted piece of sausage, but two parts that just had me gasping for air. The student who when inside the professor's palace removes her clothes as if a dog in heat.The Dean of the college looked like Sarah Palin after a bar hop. I mean, wow.. this is trash, trash trash. How could anyone not notice these horrible errors in characters? Well perhaps Al was offered a some big money he couldn't refuse, but his reputation as an actor has been sullied.